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Tag Archives: ruby
zlib.dll not found when installing the current ruby-win32
Missing libraries zlib.dll not found After downloading the latest win32-releases of ruby i was greeted with two error messages, SSLEAY32.dll not found and zlib.dll not found. The SSL library is kinda optional (gem, etc basicly work without it), but zlib … Continue reading
a thin god
Nothing spirtual here, but the cool monitoring framework god together with thin. You’ve probably read a lot of benchmarks about thin, but whats the fastest webserver when you can’t ensure they are up and running ? Right here is where … Continue reading
How many Thin server instances are best ?
I wondered about how many parallel thin you need to get the optimal throughput. I often saw values from 3 to 10 servers in different configuration examples around the net. Time to get some real numbers. To get a meaningful … Continue reading
using extjs in rails part 2
creating a simple logon window First, we need a simple view for our index defined in part 1 index.rhtml in views/login <script type=”text/javascript” src=”/javascripts/login.js”></script> <p>Here comes the Content which will be used after the user logged on.</p> This is just … Continue reading
using extjs in rails part 1
Recently i came across a very nice javascript gui library called extjs It offers many nice advanced gui function such as grids, combo boxes, modal dialogs and so on. Right now i’m trying to create some basic bindings between RoR … Continue reading