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Monthly Archives: January 2008
How many Thin server instances are best ?
I wondered about how many parallel thin you need to get the optimal throughput. I often saw values from 3 to 10 servers in different configuration examples around the net. Time to get some real numbers. To get a meaningful … Continue reading
Thin + Nginx with Rails
Recently i’ve been playing around with xen and different hosting solutions, and i was wondering about lightweight, yet performant replacements for the usual apache + mod_fcgi + dispatcher stack. I did toy around with nginx before, together with mongrel with … Continue reading
using extjs in rails part 2
creating a simple logon window First, we need a simple view for our index defined in part 1 index.rhtml in views/login <script type=”text/javascript” src=”/javascripts/login.js”></script> <p>Here comes the Content which will be used after the user logged on.</p> This is just … Continue reading