Logback Console in Eclipse

Recently i did find there is a console plugin for logback in eclipse. Unfortunately its based on a very old version of logback (0.9.9), so i searched for the sources, bumped the logback/slf4j versions to 0.9.28 and 1.6.1 and fixed various things in the plugin. Now there’s a new version of this plugin available here, i’ll post the sources to github soon.

This version is compiled with jdk 1.6 and has eclipse 3.6 as target platform. If you’ll need something else, drop a comment ..

The documentation at http://logback.qos.ch/consolePlugin.html is still valid, just unzip the file in your plugins folder and select the logback view. After you did configure logback to use the console in logback(-test).xml things should start to show up in eclipse.
The neat thing is, that you can click on each logentry in the console to see where that specific logentry was created. Like linked stacktraces but for logfile enties.

*Update* Version 1.1.2 fixes an overlooked bug while viewing a stacktrace: logback eclipse Plugin 1.1.2

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2 Responses to Logback Console in Eclipse

  1. trentjohnson says:

    How does one use the Updated (1.1.2) jar? I placed it the eclipse plugins directory and it disables the plugin. I am currently using eclipse3.6 and version 1.1.1 of the console plugin.

  2. You should only need to replace the jar (1.1.1 -> 1.1.2), but i’ll hopefully can have a closer look next weekend 🙂

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