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- CodingJam » Migliora i tuoi log con il Mapped Diagnostic Context (MDC) on Java.util.logging vs. slf4j
- Test Driven Development | Pearltrees on Drag & Drop with Selenium
- Gentoo下Nginx+thin构建rails环境 | ByPat博客专注于Linux资源分享! on Thin + Nginx with Rails
- Michael Glauche on Logback Console in Eclipse
- trentjohnson on Logback Console in Eclipse
Category Archives: java
Hudson/Jenkins integration in Eclipse
Now, that the hudson-eclipse plugin seems dead for quite a while (not anything since 2009) i was briefly thinking about writing my own update with the xml-api by Jenkins. But then i discovered that the mylyn project did what i … Continue reading
Logback Console in Eclipse
Recently i did find there is a console plugin for logback in eclipse. Unfortunately its based on a very old version of logback (0.9.9), so i searched for the sources, bumped the logback/slf4j versions to 0.9.28 and 1.6.1 and fixed … Continue reading
Running SoapUI Integration Tests in Hudson
Recently i’ve been wondering how to automate webservice(SOAP) integration tests. My first idea was to use soamoa, but it seems a bit buggy at the moment and the last version seems quite a while ago. But SoapUI does offer a … Continue reading
Introduction to Scala – Part 1
What is scala ? Scala is a relativ new compiled programming language that takes a lot of ideas from python, ruby and others. From the scala homepage: Scala is a general purpose programming language designed to express common programming patterns … Continue reading
Java.util.logging vs. slf4j
A bit of History At the time the now discontinued log4j was the most commonly used logging framework for java sun decided to implement JSR 47: java.util.logging. There were a lot of discussion, but it seems not been fruitful. java.util.logging … Continue reading
Drag & Drop with Selenium
Using Selenium for web-gui tests is really nice. You can record your workflow with the excelent selenium plugin for firefox and use them to write your own test. The only problem seems to be Drag&Drop. The senenium runner has some … Continue reading
Logging with SLF4J and Guice
After getting angry at the java.util.logger once again i was thinking how to replace it with the SLF4J logger. Although Guice provides a very nice internal binding to java.util.logger, slf4j does offer a much nicer syntax. The devil is in … Continue reading
Easymock … or taking the pain out of (j)unit tests
Easymock provides easy mocking for junit tests, this blog entry describes how to use them efficiently. Continue reading
Aop with Guice
Aop has many uses, from doing transaction handling to authorisation. With the powerfull Guice framework it is suprisingly easy. Continue reading